Custom Clearing Agent
Documents for Exports
  • I.E.C. Number (Import Export Code No.) allotted by the regional Jt. D.G.F.T. for commencing any Exports or Imports.
  • Invoice (4 Copies in Original)
  • Packing list (4 Copies in Original)
  • Contract / Purchase Order /L.C.
  • S.D.F. form
  • Authorized Dealer Code No. : Of your banker’s. Drawback Account No: (for shipment under drawback scheme)
  • ARE forms (For Excisable goods and refund of Excise Duties)
  • Technical details of the products: such as Catalogues, Write ups, Analysis reports, etc.
  • Drug licences copy – for export of Pharmaceutical products.
  • APEDA Certificate /NAFED Certificate (for exports of vegetable & food products)
  • Factory stuffing permission – for containers stuffed in the Shipper’s/Manufacturer's premises.
  • Shipping instructions - detailing the data and requirement of the documents by the shipper.
  • Custom valuation form: -
  • Authority letter (Addressed to Macro Customs Consultants LLP,)

Export Schemes: There are following general schemes for exports
  • Free Shipping Bill:
  • D.E.E.C. (Advance Licence Scheme or Duty Exemption Entitlement Scheme)
  • Drawback Shipping Bill (DBK)
  • D.E.P.B Scheme (Duty Entitlement Pass Boll Scheme)
  • Dutiable Scheme
  • D.I.F.A. Scheme
  • E.P.C.G. Scheme
  • 100% EOU Scheme
Shipper has to specify in their shipping instruction of the scheme, they wish to avail.

Post shipment activities After the shipment is effected, the shipper will require the following documents

  • Bill of Lading.
  • Exchange Control Copy of the Shipping Bill along with custom attested Invoice, Picking list and S.D.F. forms.
  • Export Promotion Copy / D.E.P.B Copy.
  • A.R.E forms duly endorsed by the Customs.

Documents for Imports Import clearance through customs in India involves complex and time consuming procedures in the following few pages we have endeavored to enlist in detail almost all the aspects of clearance. We have endeavored to highlight the whole import procedure along with a flow chart. List of documents required for clearance of import consignments

  • Bill of Lading (Original Bill of Lading should be duly signed and stamped by the bank on the reverse side of documents if through bank, and should also be endorsed by an authorized person with the company's stamp, giving his designation)
  • Invoice
  • Packing List
  • Indent/Performa Invoice/Purchase Order (Specially the document which is referred to in the Invoice)
  • Catalogue/Technical Literature
  • Copy of L/C
  • Insurance Certificate/Insurance Premium Memo required only if terms are C&F /F.O.B.
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Valuation & Declaration Forms - Duly filled and signed
  • I.E.C Code No.
  • Industrial Licence/S.S.I. Registration
  • Permanent Income Tax. Account No.
  • Modvat Declaration (if applicable)
  • Freight Certificate & Freight Bill (if freight payable in India)
  • Authority Letter to Custom House Agent. (Addressed to Macro Customs Consultants LLP)
  • Original Documents (Bank Attested)
All the above listed documents are required for the clearance of any import consignment. however, certain additional documents are also required other than those mentioned above, for different types of products, different schemes under which they are imported or by different modes they are imported.